heather sage church
yoga teacher. embodied eco-spiritual director.

Heather offers one-on-one yoga sessions in her hOMe studio on 24 wooded acres just outside of Somerset, as well as embodied eco-spiritual direction (which includes embodiment practices that employ yoga and breath, nature walks/contemplative observation and writing components.)Trained in the discipline of interfaith spiritual direction through the Spiritual Guidance Training Institute, a graduate of the Living School through the Center for Action and Contemplation and a longtime yoga teacher and embodiment educator, Heather is excited to offer these services together, on land that speaks to her soul. It’s a culmination of her life’s work and passions.Heather works with people all faiths and those who consider themselves ‘spiritual but not religious.’Click email link above to inquire and/or schedule a discernment call.
individual/small group yoga
Yoga is a lot of things to a lot of people. What is it to you? My experience of a practice that has lasted nearly half of my life now, is that it meets us where we are. It opens doors that might not otherwise have opened. And if and when we walk away from the practice (for any number of reasons), it gently calls us back; it invites us into even deeper unfolding. That is my truth. I’d love to know yours.Personally, my work draws upon 25 years of practice and teaching from which an integrated approach to yoga, breath, embodiment and life has emerged. Offering classes in a variety of settings — including over a decade at university — allowed me to see the profound and varying effects of the practice on hundreds of students. What a gift! It was my primary spiritual practice for years, led me back to my Christian roots, meandered into the mystical perennial wisdom traditions and has blossomed into something new entirely while also remaining an old friend.In my classes, I encourage inquiry, looking within, and respect for the unique way the mystery is unfolding. You know yourself better than anyone; there is no one else like you! As a teacher, my role is to guide you to cultivate deeper awareness of the subtleties of your body and energetic experience, which often lead to ‘a ha’s’ in the mind. Breath and movement teach us about ourselves in profound experiential ways.My servant heart is energized through helping others to uncover their own deep knowing, and I do this using a myriad of practices I’ve learned along the way. These practices include yoga (hatha, vinyasa, restorative and yin), breath work, somatic meditation, embodiment cues, the Yoga Sutras, mystical wisdom, writing/journaling, art and story. My hope is that it invites a practice of self inquiry that becomes a portal of release and realization of your own deep truths.Yoga is medicine and as Yoga Sutra 1:2 says, it’s “the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.” We understand yoga in our modern world as a practice, and it is, but it’s also a way of being, which is why I use yoga in these endeavors. It’s a part of me now and I feel so incredibly blessed to ‘live what I love.’
embodied spiritual direction
Having someone listen to you — really listen — is one of the greatest gifts you can receive in this life. And the essence of spiritual direction is at the very heart of this gift. Being able to share from your heart, from your soul, and at the same time be fully seen and heard is a healing gift, working on all levels of being … spiritual, emotional, mental and energetic.Spiritual direction is a contemplative practice of ‘with-nessing’ — of deep listening — for both parties. Someone receiving spiritual direction is guided to listen to the ‘still small voice’ within, while the director’s role is not to direct as much as it is to listen, and to prompt deeper listening within the person receiving direction. Another name for a spiritual director that I love is Anam Cara, or ‘soul friend.’Spiritual directors are not teachers or therapists. They are not in the business of solving your problems or telling you what to think. Rather, a spiritual director’s primary role is to listen and to help you listen to God’s promptings in your life. Spiritual direction helps you notice the invitations in your life and in your relationships.Spiritual direction complemented with yoga, breath, nature, writing and embodiment, enhances the practice in such a way that it becomes easier to listen, regularly. Yoga, breath, nature, writing and embodiment are gifts that contribute to greater mindfulness, blessed rest, the ability to turn inward, and ultimately to create more peace.Traditional spiritual direction takes place once per month for about an hour, but embodied eco-spiritual direction can last up to two hours, depending on the practices included and agreement between the two parties. In a session, Heather introduces embodiment and rest through the practices of yoga and breath, gentle movement to feel fully into the body, followed by 45 to 60 minutes of sharing what’s on your heart that day. Heather’s role is to listen deeply, and to guide you to a noticing of the movements of the Divine in your life. When the weather is nice, the talking and listening can take place during a walk in the woods. Journal prompts may also be given as ‘homework’ if you so choose.
© Heather Sage Church